miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Concepts and opinions on Vygotsky's theory

Vygotsky tells us that each person is able to build their own knowledge through the social and cultural environment in which the individual is developing, every human being has the ability to learn naturally, the individual internalizes their social relations, what Vygotsky tells us is that he has the ability to choose the method that the individual considers most appropriate for said learning, at his own pace, under his own rules and with which they are more comfortable, in this way it is constructing meanings for each lived experience, instead of memorizing and repeating contents.



  • An exchange student travels from his native country to a foreigner, he is learning not only the new language of the place where he has arrived, he is also learning from this new culture, through what he sees, hears and speaks as he goes socializing with the people belonging to this place, as he sees new things, the student internalizes the received knowledge and makes it own, is coupled to him at his own pace and with the help of his teachers, colleagues and other people around him, so late that early you will feel that he also belongs to this place.

  • As an experience, I have to say that I have a teacher that I know a few years ago, taught us to be independent and responsible people of our own knowledge, gives us the necessary guidelines of the basics that we should know about a specific topic and we either in group or individually we must go further and explore what it is about, how it is used, in what cases it does not serve and that others do not, etc. The teacher only guides us so that we miss the correct path of the topic to be discussed. In a normal class activity, she gives us the subject and tells us what we should do, many times they are expositions where we must investigate on the subject, understand it and explain it, other times they are essays in which we must also investigate and recreate with our own words what we want to tell the author and other times even plays we have performed, all under our responsibility and under his guidance as a tutor, feel we have been able to learn a lot and we have discovered ourselves which is the method of study that best fits our needs as students.

I remain attentive to your comments

Monica Sanabria 

Audio classmate comment:

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de audio

  • https://innovemos.wordpress.com/2008/02/16/la-teoria-del-aprendizaje-de-vygotski/
  • International Education Journal, 2005, 6(3), 386-399.ISSN 1443-1475 © 2005 Shannon Research Press.http://iej.cjb.net.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Monica I recorded my audio about your contribution. This is the link: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0tZZK1GJx8g
